
Scan Rotation

ASSY-Number: A0-852382

Location: In the ceiling of the control console (See the map page.).


  • Initial: Unknown, dials work
  • 04.09.2018: Rotation seems to work, as confirmed by observation of X-Y via oscilloscope.
  • 04.09.2018: Either connector P135 or solder joints on dials have a buggy contact.
  • 18.09.2018: Could not reproduce buggy contact, but sometimes after upstart hundred number shows wrong data until 359 overflow.

Socket Cable Target Socket
P135 135 Dials for scan rotation
PL91 91 Power Regulator PCB PL91 Out
SKT35 In 35B Scan Generator SKT35
SKT36 In 36B Beam Modulation SKT36 TILT Out
SKT35 Out 35B Column Scan Amplifier SKT35
SKT36 Out 36B Column Scan Amplifier SKT36

Rotate the grid to be scanned around the vertical axis.

The input Line and Frame lines get rotated into the X and Y position of the scanning dot:

Xout = cos(theta)*Line + sin(theta)*Frame

Yout = -sin(theta)*Line + cos(theta)*Frame

  • sem/scan-rotation.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • by beat.geissmann