
FBS Troubleshooting

Problem description Possible sources of error
Solar pannels or AC power supply don't charge batteries Temperature sensor in battery pack (Jack connector) is not plugged in

If even a fully charged battery is connected to the FBS and ALL the following conditions are true:

  • none of the LED's would turn on,
  • no buzzer sound is heard after connection,
  • the Ethernet connection is not working (i.e. no messages received in APM planner)

it is recommended to replace the internal electrical power subsystem (EPS). One replacement board is provided. A replacement can also be performed if the charging circuitry does not work anymore and the autonomy on the field without solar power is not sufficient.

To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the field base station case and carefully take out the grey box labelled with EPS. If needed, unplug its 3 USB connectors.
  2. Open the EPS case by pushing on both sides of the cover.
  3. On the left side, carefully unplug the two ribbon cable connectors
  4. Then lift the black PCB from its pin socket
  5. Undo all previous steps with the new EPS PCB. Don't forget to plug back in all 3 USB connectors if removed previously. Plug in battery to test if this solved the problem.

If instructed by mission control, new firmware can be flashed to the EPS. To do so, perform the following steps: 1) Download the new code: Open a git shell and type:

cd ccs_workspace/Octanis_Rover-EPS_firmware
  • orb/fbs_troubleshooting.txt
  • Last modified: 9 years ago
  • by raffael