Octanis 1 Mission Overview
Octanis 1 is the Octanis Rover's first mission to Antarctica. The mission's aim is to prove the concept of a 3d printed rover, open source rover in a harsh environment. The mission includes executing several test drive scenarios, collecting LIDAR scans of the ground, testing rover communications and training of a rover operator.
Mission Data
- Mission Type: Deployment of Rover (no balloon)
- Communications: Telemetry: Iridium to ground control + LoRa to field station
- Handover of hardware for shipment: 19.09.2016 / GRENOBLE, France
- Start of Mission: ??.11.2016 / Cape Prud'homme, Antarctica
- End of Mission: ??.02.2017 (?) / Cape Prud'homme, Antarctica
- First Deployment of Rover: ??.11.2016 / Cape Prud'homme, Antarctica
- Team:
- Rover Operators:
- Laurent
- Ground Control
- Octanis Association, Switzerland
Drive Tests
100m^2 area shall be plotted in Mission Planner and sent to the rover, who will attempt to cover the whole area. This test will take 1-2h preparation time and 1-2h driving time.
Rover operator will follow Octanis Rover / Balloon: Mission Operations Manual.
Main goal: digital elevation model (DEM) of the snow
A digital elevation model (DEM) is a digital model or 3D representation of a terrain's surface — the profile of the snow in the case of this mission — created from terrain elevation data. This model is created as described in the Operations Manual.
General Testing
- Motor control: affirm that a rectangle can be driven
- Power
- Production & Consumption (incl. per-device usage: comms, SBC, LIDAR, stereoscopy, driving)
- Battery: temperature, voltage, in/out current logging
- Communications: affirm that heartbeat sent to field and ground basestation
- Obstacle avoidance: stereoscopy performance analysis in low contrast environment
- Basestation
- Field: rover operator affirms that QGC / APMPlanner is functional to send waypoints and view live telemetry
- Ground: ground control affirms that live telemetry is being received and is able to send new waypoints to rover