PCB Review Checklist
- Check all IC's that they have the correct supply voltage.
- Programming header is present on board.
- Decoupling capacitors at each supply pin arriving/leaving the board, and at each IC supply pin (double-check data sheet for values and type).
- Microcontroller pin assignments correspond to the CubeMX configuration or the pin definitions in the datasheet (e.g. SPI_MOSI is on the pin that supports SPI_MOSI).
- Consequently add “no-connect's” to floating pins and power flags to supply & GND nets.
- Perform electrical rules check before creating layout & before ordering. Aim for no errors!
Footprint Assignment
- For all non-generic parts (e.g. resistors with special tolerance), include the MPN as a field in the schematic component properties and select the corresponding AVAILABLE footprint.
- Capacitors bigger than 10uF have 0805 footprints at least.
- GND plane shall be as continuous as possible. Look out for narrow passages where all current would have to pass through
- Silk screen component labels all nicely placed next to components and not on top of vias (check in 3D viewer)
- Silk screen contains board name, date, version, author, (website).
- Logo on Silk screen (company/project)
- If distributed furter, “For prototyping purposes only, not approved for resale.” on silk screen.
- Mounting holes (at least one for M3 screws)
- Are all layers present? Have at least 8 files:
- Top, bottom copper
- Top, bottom mask
- Top, bottom silk
- Drill files
- Mechanical outline
- Optional:
- Top, bottom paste (required for stencil)
- Select lead-free surface finish! (RoHS-conformity)
- If many SMD components present, order together with stencil!